
General Information Form
(30kb PDF)

Information & Practice Policies
(58kb PDF)

Several forms are provided here for your reference and convenience. All clients will be required to fill out the first two forms, so taking care of that prior to our first meeting, will save us time. You are free to print them out for your use.

The first form (consisting of three pages) is the General Information questionnaire that I ask clients to complete prior to our first visit. You may print and complete the form beforehand at your leisure or I will provide one to be completed at that time.

The second form (consisting of seven pages) is The Information and Practice Policies form that I provide to each client so that you are aware of and educated regarding the legal, ethical and clinical issues as they relate to psychotherapy. I will ask that you read this information, and then initial each page and sign the document – to indicate your understanding of the material.

The third form (one page) is a guide to the questions you might pose to your insurance provided to determine your particular coverage for outpatient mental health services.